Orange, Anise & Vanilla Glazed ham
Prep Time:20 mins
Cook Time:1.5-2 Hrs
- 8kg ham
- bone in 100g mustard (we use Horopito mustard - from mustard makers)
- 150g honey 3 vanilla pods, split and seeded
- 20 cloves
- 600ml fresh squeezed orange juice
- 6 star anise
Preheat oven to 170C. Remove skin from ham, leaving fat layer intact. Score fat with a sharp knife making a diamond pattern. Mix together mustard, honey and vanilla seeds and rub over scored ham fat. Bring the freshly sqeezed orange juice, star anise and vanilla pods to a simmer for 5 minutes. Push cloves into ham fat, evenly spaced. Place ham in a large baking tray and pour over orange juice. Bake for 100 minutes, basting with pan juices every 10 - 15 minutes.